My Passion

My passion is to watch YouTube.  I watch YouTube after I do homework at my house.  I watch lots of different people . Some of the people I watch are people who make nature documents . I also watch  Eddsworld  and people who animate.  Eddsworld is an animate and was a sponsor for Edd, who died.  There were four main characters.  It was a group of people and sometimes they still post new videos.  Some of the people have their own YouTube channels, like Tom.  He is the only one I follow.  You should check it out.

I do not  just sit on my devices all day. I go on walks and jump on my trampoline with my little sister.  I like to draw with my big sister . My favorite is to walk our dogs, even though they have a invisible fence.  I walk the two that are mean and the other two stay inside the fence.  I like to talk to my friends as soon as I get home. I get my phone and say hi to them in our group chat .  My favorite thing is to draw with my big sister.

Picture courtesy of Tamabako The Jaguar (via creative commons)



One thought on “My Passion”

  1. Thanks for sharing! You are so lucky you have a sister..I have an annoying, bossy, 18 year old brother. I also enjoy watching YouTube. I watch a youtuber named Reaction Time, I also watch vines because why not.

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